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Running benchmarks

Once you have set up Spack and ReFrame, you can execute a benchmark with

reframe -c benchmarks/apps/BENCH_NAME -r

where benchmarks/apps/BENCH_NAME is the directory where the benchmark is. The command above assumes you have the program reframe in your PATH. If you have followed the instructions to install using pip into the default directory, it should have been automatically added. If it is not the case, call reframe with its relative or absolute path.

For example, to run the Sombrero benchmark in the benchmarks/apps/sombrero directory you can use

reframe -c benchmarks/apps/sombrero -r

Setting ReFrame command line options

ReFrame supports a variety of command-line options that can be useful, or sometimes necessary.

System-specific options

While the aim is to automate as much system-specific configuration as possible, there are some options that have to be provided by the user, such as accounting details, and unfortunately the syntax can vary. See systems for information about the use of this framework on specific systems.

Performance report

You can use the --performance-report command-line option to ReFrame to get a nicely formatted performance report after the benchmark has completed.

Selecting Spack build spec

For benchmarks that use the Spack build system, the tests define a default Spack specification to be installed in the environment, but users can change it when invoking ReFrame on the command line with the -S option to set the spack_spec variable:

reframe -c benchmarks/apps/sombrero -r --performance-report -S spack_spec='sombrero@2021-08-16%intel'

Selecting system and queue access options

The provided ReFrame configuration file contains the settings for multiple systems. If you use it, the automatic detection of the system may fail, as some systems may use clashing hostnames. To avoid this, you can use the flag --system NAME:PARTITION to specify the system (and optionally the partition) to use.

Additionally, if submitting jobs to the compute nodes requires additional options, like for example the resource group you belong to (for example --account=... for Slurm), you have to pass the command line flag --job-option=... to reframe (e.g., --job-option='--account=...').

Setting environment variables

All the built-in fields of ReFrame regression classes can be set on a per-job basis using the -S command-line option. One useful such field is env_vars, which controls the environment variables used in a job. The syntax to set dictionary items, like for env_vars, is a comma-separated list of key:value pairs: -S dict=key_1:value_1,key_2:value_2. For example

reframe -c benchmarks/apps/sombrero -r --performance-report -S env_vars=OMP_PLACES:threads

runs the benchmarks/apps/sombrero benchmark setting the environment variable OMP_PLACES to threads.

Output directories

By default reframe creates three output directories (stage, output and perflogs) in the directory where it is run. Output can be written to a different base directory using the --prefix command-line option.

The individual output directories can also be changed using the --stage, --outputdir and --perflogdir options.

Usage on unsupported systems

The configuration provided in lets you run the benchmarks on pre-configured HPC systems. However you can use this framework on any system by choosing the "default" system with --system default, or by using your own ReFrame configuration. You can use the "default" system to run benchmarks in ReFrame without using a queue manager or an MPI launcher (e.g. on a personal workstation).

If you choose the "default" system and a benchmark using the Spack build system, a new empty Spack environment will be automatically created in benchmarks/spack/default when ReFrame is launched for the first time. You should populate the environment with the packages already installed on your system before running Spack to avoid excessively rebuilding system packages. See setup for instructions on how to set up a Spack environment. In particular, make sure that at least a compiler and an MPI library are added into the environment. After the Spack environment is set up, tell ReFrame to use it by setting the environment variable EXCALIBUR_SPACK_ENV, as described in setup.

Selecting multiple benchmarks

ReFrame tests may contain tags that allow the user to select which tests to run. These can be leveraged to defined sets of benchmarks. To run all tests in a directory, pass the -R flag to ReFrame. Then filter down to a specific tag by passing the -t flag.

For example, the tag "example" is defined in the sombrero example. To select the sombrero example out of all benchmarks, run

reframe -c benchmarks/ -R -r -t example

Tests can contain multiple tags. To create a custom set of benchmarks, add a new tag to the tests you want to include in the set.

Running a benchmark with a profiler (experimental)

Experimental feature

This is an experimental feature and its interface may be changed in the future on short notice. Feedback to improve it is welcome!

This framework allows you to run a profiler together with a benchmark application. To do this, you can set the profiler attribute on the command line using the -S profiler=... syntax, e.g.

reframe -c benchmarks/ -R -r -t example -S profiler=vtune

Currently supported values for the profiler attribute are:

Availability and requirements

Many profilers, especially those provided by vendors, are available only on some platforms (e.g. Intel profilers are only available on the x86 architecture), double check if the Spack package for your desired profiler is available for the system you want to use. Furthermore, to collect useful information with some profilers you may need specific values of the Linux perf_event_paranoid setting, typically less than or equal to 2, you can check the value on a specific node by reading the content of the file /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid.

The profiler trace collected during the run will be automatically copied to the output directory after a successful run. Toward the bottom of the standard output file (rfm_job.out) you should find some information about how to visualise the profiling trace with the tools corresponding to the profiler used.

Running graphic visualisers

Using graphic visualisers requires being able to run graphic applications on the machine where you ran the benchmakrs, in the case of remote ones you will need to ensure your connection supports forwarding graphic applications, and consider that the interaction may be slow due to the network latency. An alternative is to copy the profile trace to your local machine and using a locally-installed visualiser.