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Using ReFrame for reproducible and portable performance benchmarking

In this tutorial you will set up the excalibur-tests benchmarking framework on a HPC system, build and run example benchmarks, create a new benchmark and explore benchmark data.

Installing the Framework

Set up python environment

This tutorial is run on the Cosma supercomputer. It should be straightforward to run on a different platform, the requirements are gcc 4.5, git 2.39 and python 3.7 or later. (for the later parts you also need make, autotools, cmake and spack but these can be installed locally). Before proceeding to install ReFrame, we recommend creating a python virtual environment to avoid clashes with other installed python packages. First load a newer python module.

module swap python/3.10.12

This tutorial is run on ARCHER2, you should have signed up for a training account before starting. It can be ran on other HPC systems with a batch scheduler but will require making some changes to the config. Before proceeding to install ReFrame, we recommend creating a python virtual environment to avoid clashes with other installed python packages. First load the system python module.

module load cray-python

Then create an environment and activate it with

python3 -m venv reframe_tutorial
source reframe_tutorial/bin/activate

You will have to activate the environment each time you login. To deactivate the environment run deactivate.

Change to work directory

Move on to the next step.

On ARCHER2, the compute nodes do not have access to your home directory, therefore it is important to install everything in a work file system. Change to the work directory with

cd /work/ta131/ta131/${USER}

If you are tempted to use a symlink here, ensure you use cd -P when changing directory. ARCHER2 compute nodes cannot read from /home, only /work, so not completely following symlinks can result in a broken installation.

Clone the git repository

In the work directory, clone the excalibur-tests repository with

git clone

Create a virtual environment

Before proceeding to install the software, we recommend creating a python virtual environment to avoid clashes with other installed python packages. You can do this with

python3 -m venv excalibur-env
source excalibur-env/bin/activate

You should now see the name of the environment in parenthesis your terminal prompt, for example:

(excalibur-env) tk-d193@ln03:/work/d193/d193/tk-d193>

You will have to activate the environment each time you login. To deactivate the environment run deactivate.

Install the excalibur-tests framework

Now we can use pip to install the package in the virtual environment. Update pip to the latest version with

pip install --upgrade pip
then install the framework with
pip install -e ./excalibur-tests[post-processing]
We used the editable flag -e because later in the tutorial you will edit the repository to develop a new benchmark.

We included optional dependencies with [post-processing]. We will need those in the postprocessing section.

Set configuration variables

Configure the framework by setting these environment variables

export RFM_CONFIG_FILES="$(pwd)/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/"
export RFM_USE_LOGIN_SHELL="true"

Install and configure spack

Finally, we need to install the spack package manager. The framework will use it to build the benchmarks. Clone spack with

git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true

Then configure spack with

source ./spack/share/spack/

Spack should now be in the default search path.

Check installation was successful

You can check everything has been installed successfully by checking that spack and reframe are in path and the path to the ReFrame config file is set correctly

$ spack --version
0.22.0.dev0 (88e738c34346031ce875fdd510dd2251aa63dad7)
$ reframe --version

Environment summary

If you log out and back in, you will have to run some of the above commands again to recreate your environment. These are (from your work directory):

module load cray-python
source excalibur-env/bin/activate
export RFM_CONFIG_FILES="$(pwd)/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/"
export RFM_USE_LOGIN_SHELL="true"
source ./spack/share/spack/

Run Sombrero Example

You can now use ReFrame to run benchmarks from the benchmarks/examples and benchmarks/apps directories. The basic syntax is

reframe -c <path/to/benchmark> -r

system specific flags

In addition, on ARCHER2, you have to provide the quality of service (QoS) type for your job to ReFrame on the command line with -J. Use the "short" QoS to run the sombrero example with

reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/sombrero -r -J'--qos=short'
You may notice you actually ran four benchmarks with that single command! That is because the benchmark is parametrized. We will talk about this in the next section.

Output sample

$ reframe -c benchmarks/examples/sombrero/ -r -J'--qos=short' --performance-report
[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           4.3.0
  command:           '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-env/bin/reframe -c benchmarks/examples/sombrero/ -r -J--qos=short'
  launched by:       tk-d193@ln03
  working directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests'
  settings files:    '<builtin>', '/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/'
  check search path: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/sombrero'
  stage directory:   '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/stage'
  output directory:  '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/output'
  log files:         '/tmp/rfm-u1l6yt7f.log'

[==========] Running 4 check(s)
[==========] Started on Fri Jul  7 15:47:45 2023 

[----------] start processing checks
[ RUN      ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=2 /de04c10b @archer2:compute-node+default
[ RUN      ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=1 /c52a123d @archer2:compute-node+default
[ RUN      ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=2 /c1c3a3f1 @archer2:compute-node+default
[ RUN      ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=1 /52e1ce98 @archer2:compute-node+default
[       OK ] (1/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=2 /c1c3a3f1 @archer2:compute-node+default
P: flops: 0.67 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
[       OK ] (2/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=1 /52e1ce98 @archer2:compute-node+default
P: flops: 0.67 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
[       OK ] (3/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=2 /de04c10b @archer2:compute-node+default
P: flops: 1.27 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
[       OK ] (4/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=1 /c52a123d @archer2:compute-node+default
P: flops: 1.24 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  PASSED  ] Ran 4/4 test case(s) from 4 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
[==========] Finished on Fri Jul  7 15:48:23 2023 
Log file(s) saved in '/tmp/rfm-u1l6yt7f.log'

Benchmark output

You can find build and run logs in the output/ directory of a successful benchmark. They record how the benchmark was built by spack and ran by ReFrame.

While the benchmark is running, the log files are kept in the stage/ directory. They remain there if the benchmark fails to build or run.

You can find the performance log file from the benchmark in perflogs/. The perflog records the captured figures of merit, environment variables and metadata about the job.

Create a Benchmark

In this section you will create a ReFrame benchmark by writing a python class that tells ReFrame how to build and run an application and collect data from its output.

For simplicity, we use the STREAM benchmark. It is a simple memory bandwidth benchmark with minimal build dependencies.

If you've already gone through the ReFrame tutorial some of the steps in creating the STREAM benchmark are repeated. However, pay attention to the Create a Test Class and Add Build Recipe steps.

How ReFrame works

When ReFrame executes a test it runs a pipeline of the following stages

You can customise the behaviour of each stage or add a hook before or after each of them. For more details, read the ReFrame pipeline documentation.

Getting started

To get started, open an empty .py file where you will write the ReFrame class, e.g. Save the file in a new directory e.g. excalibur-tests/benchmarks/apps/stream.

Include ReFrame modules

The first thing you need is include a few modules from ReFrame. These should be available if the installation step was successful.

import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

Create a Test Class

ReFrame has built-in support for the Spack package manager. In the following we will use the custom class SpackTest we created for our benchmarks module, which provides a tighter integration with Spack and reduces the boilerplate code you'd otherwise have to include.

from benchmarks.modules.utils import SpackTest

class StreamBenchmark(SpackTest):

The data members and methods detailed in the following sections should be placed inside this class.

Add Build Recipe

We prefer installing packages via spack whenever possible. In this exercise, the spack package for stream already exists in the global spack repository.

The SpackTest base class takes care of setting up spack as the build system ReFrame uses. We only need to instruct ReFrame to install version 5.10 of the stream spack package using the openmp variant.

spack_spec = 'stream@5.10 +openmp'

Note that we did not specify a compiler. Spack will use a compiler from the spack environment. The complete spec is recorded in the build log.

Add Run Configuration

The ReFrame class tells ReFrame where and how to run the benchmark. We want to run on one task on a full archer2 node using 128 OpenMP threads to use the full node.

valid_systems = ['*']
valid_prog_environs = ['default']
executable = 'stream_c.exe'
num_tasks = 1
time_limit = '5m'
use_multithreading = False

Add environment variables

Environment variables can be added to the env_vars attribute.

env_vars['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = f'{num_cpus_per_task}'
env_vars['OMP_PLACES'] = 'cores'

Add Sanity Check

The rest of the benchmark follows the Writing a Performance Test ReFrame Tutorial. First we need a sanity check that ensures the benchmark ran successfully. A function decorated with the @sanity_function decorator is used by ReFrame to check that the test ran successfully. The sanity function can perform a number of checks, in this case we want to match a line of the expected standard output.

def validate_solution(self):
    return sn.assert_found(r'Solution Validates', self.stdout)

Add Performance Pattern Check

To record the performance of the benchmark, ReFrame should extract a figure of merit from the output of the test. A function decorated with the @performance_function decorator extracts or computes a performance metric from the test’s output.

In this example, we extract four performance variables, namely the memory bandwidth values for each of the “Copy”, “Scale”, “Add” and “Triad” sub-benchmarks of STREAM, where each of the performance functions use the extractsingle() utility function. For each of the sub-benchmarks we extract the “Best Rate MB/s” column of the output (see below) and we convert that to a float.

@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Copy')
def extract_copy_perf(self):
    return sn.extractsingle(r'Copy:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)

@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Scale')
def extract_scale_perf(self):
    return sn.extractsingle(r'Scale:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)

@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Add')
def extract_add_perf(self):
    return sn.extractsingle(r'Add:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)

@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Triad')
def extract_triad_perf(self):
    return sn.extractsingle(r'Triad:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)

Run Stream Benchmark

You can now run the benchmark in the same way as the previous sombrero example

reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/apps/stream/ -r --system archer2 -J'--qos=short'

Sample Output

$ reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/stream/ -r -J'--qos=short'
[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           4.4.1
  command:           '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/demo-env/bin/reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/stream/ -r -J--qos=short'
  launched by:       tk-d193@ln03
  working directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo'
  settings files:    '<builtin>', '/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/'
  check search path: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/stream'
  stage directory:   '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/stage'
  output directory:  '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/output'
  log files:         '/tmp/rfm-z87x4min.log'

  [==========] Running 1 check(s)
  [==========] Started on Thu Nov 30 14:50:21 2023 

  [----------] start processing checks
  [ RUN      ] StreamBenchmark /8aeff853 @archer2:compute-node+default
  [       OK ] (1/1) StreamBenchmark /8aeff853 @archer2:compute-node+default
  P: Copy: 1380840.8 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
  P: Scale: 1369568.7 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
  P: Add: 1548666.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
  P: Triad: 1548666.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
  [----------] all spawned checks have finished

  [  PASSED  ] Ran 1/1 test case(s) from 1 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
  [==========] Finished on Thu Nov 30 14:51:13 2023 
  Log file(s) saved in '/tmp/rfm-z87x4min.log'

Interpreting STREAM results

With default compile options, STREAM uses arrays of 10 million elements. On a full node, the default array size fits into cache, and the benchmark does not report the correct memory bandwidth. Therefore the numbers from this tutorial are not comparable with other, published, results.

To avoid caching, increase the array size during build by adding e.g. stream_array_size=64000000 to the spack spec.

Parametrized tests

You can pass a list to the parameter() built-in function in the class body to create a parametrized test. You cannot access the individual parameter value within the class body, so any reference to them should be placed in the appropriate function, for example __init__()

Example: Parametrize the array size

array_size = parameter(int(i) for i in [4e6,8e6,16e6,32e6,64e6])
def __init__(self):
    self.spack_spec = f"stream@5.10 +openmp stream_array_size={self.array_size}"
[----------] start processing checks
[ RUN      ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=64000000 /bbfd0e71 @archer2:compute-node+default
[ RUN      ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=32000000 /e16f9017 @archer2:compute-node+default
[ RUN      ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=16000000 /abc01230 @archer2:compute-node+default
[ RUN      ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=8000000 /51d83d77 @archer2:compute-node+default
[ RUN      ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=4000000 /8399bc0b @archer2:compute-node+default
[       OK ] (1/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=32000000 /e16f9017 @archer2:compute-node+default
P: Copy: 343432.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Scale: 291065.8 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Add: 275577.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Triad: 247425.0 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
[       OK ] (2/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=16000000 /abc01230 @archer2:compute-node+default
P: Copy: 2538396.7 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Scale: 2349544.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Add: 2912500.4 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Triad: 2886402.8 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
[       OK ] (3/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=8000000 /51d83d77 @archer2:compute-node+default
P: Copy: 1641807.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Scale: 1362616.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Add: 1959382.9 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Triad: 1940497.3 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
[       OK ] (4/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=64000000 /bbfd0e71 @archer2:compute-node+default
P: Copy: 255622.4 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Scale: 235186.0 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Add: 204853.9 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Triad: 213072.2 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
[       OK ] (5/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=4000000 /8399bc0b @archer2:compute-node+default
P: Copy: 1231355.3 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Scale: 1086783.2 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Add: 1519446.0 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
P: Triad: 1548666.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  PASSED  ] Ran 5/5 test case(s) from 5 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
[==========] Finished on Thu Nov 30 14:34:48 2023 

Reference values

ReFrame can automate checking that the results fall within an expected range. We can use it in our previous example of increasing the array size to avoid caching. You can set a different reference value for each perf_key in the performance function. For example, set the test to fail if it falls outside of +-25% of the values obtained with the largest array size.

reference = {
    'archer2': {
        'Copy':  (260000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
        'Scale': (230000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
        'Add':   (210000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
        'Triad': (210000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s')

The performance reference tuple consists of the reference value, the lower and upper thresholds expressed as fractional numbers relative to the reference value, and the unit of measurement. If any of the thresholds is not relevant, None may be used instead. Also, the units in this reference variable are entirely optional, since they were already provided through the @performance_function decorator.

Useful Reading

