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Benchmark Results Post-Processing


The post-processing scripts provided with the ExCALIBUR tests package are intended to grant users a quick starting point for visualising benchmark results with basic graphs and tables. Their components can also be used inside custom users' scripts.

There are four main post-processing components:

Perflog parsing

  • Data from benchmark performance logs are stored in a pandas DataFrame.

Data filtering

  • If more than one perflog is used for plotting, DataFrames from individual perflogs are concatenated together into one DataFrame.
  • The DataFrame is then filtered, keeping only relevant rows and columns.

Data transformation

  • Axis value columns in the DataFrame are scaled according to user specifications.


  • A filtered and transformed DataFrame is passed to a plotting script, which produces a graph and embeds it in a simple HTML file.
  • Users may run the plotting script to generate a generic bar chart. Graph settings should be specified in a configuration YAML file.


Post-processing is an optional dependency of the ExCALIBUR tests package, as it requires Python version 3.9 or later (while the base package requires Python version 3.7 or later).

You can include post-processing in your pip installation of the package with the following command:

pip install -e .[post-processing]


Command line

python log_path config_path [-p plot_type]
  • log_path - Path to a perflog file, or a directory containing perflog files.
  • config_path - Path to a configuration file containing plot details.
  • plot_type - (Optional.) Type of plot to be generated. (Note: only a generic bar chart is currently implemented.)

Run -h for more information (including debugging and file output flags).


You may also run post-processing with Streamlit to interact with your plots:

streamlit run log_path -- [-c config_path]

The config path is optional when running with Streamlit, as the UI allows you to create a new config on the fly. If you would still like to supply a config path, make sure to include -- before any post-processing flags to indicate that the arguments belong to the post-processing script rather than Streamlit itself.

Configuration Structure

Before running post-processing, create a config file including all necessary information for graph generation (you must specify at least plot title, x-axis, y-axis, and column types). See below for a template, an example, and some clarifying notes.

  • title - Plot title.
  • x_axis, y_axis - Axis information.
    • value - Axis data points. Specified with a column name.
    • units - Axis units. Specified either with a column name or a custom label (may be null).
    • scaling - (Optional.) Scale axis values by either a column or a custom value.
    • sort - (Optional.) Sort categorical x-axis in descending order (otherwise values are sorted in ascending order by default).
  • filters - (Optional.) Filter data rows based on specified conditions. (Specify an empty list if no filters are required.)
    • and - Filter mask is determined from a logical AND of conditions in list.
    • or - Filter mask is determined from a logical OR of conditions in list.
    • Format: [column_name, operator, value]
    • Accepted operators: "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="
  • series - (Optional.) Display several plots in the same graph and group x-axis data by specified column values. (Specify an empty list if there is only one series.)
    • Format: [column_name, value]
  • column_types - Pandas dtype for each relevant column (axes, units, filters, series). Specified with a dictionary.
    • Accepted types: "str"/"string"/"object", "int"/"int64", "float"/"float64", "datetime"/"datetime64"
  • extra_columns_to_csv - (Optional.) List of additional columns to include when exporting benchmark data to a CSV, in addition to the ones above. These columns are not used in plotting. (Specify an empty list if no additional columns are required.)

A Note on Replaced ReFrame Columns

A perflog contains certain columns with complex information that has to be unpacked in order to be useful. Currently, such columns are display_name, extra_resources, env_vars, and spack_spec_dict. Those columns are parsed by the postprocessing, removed from the DataFrame, and substituted by new columns with the unpacked information. Therefore they will not be present in the DataFrame available to the graphing script and should not be referenced in a plot config file.

When the row contents of display_name are parsed, they are separated into their constituent benchmark names and parameters. This column is replaced with a new test_name column and new parameter columns (if present). Similarly, the extra_resources, env_vars, and spack_spec_dict columns are replaced with their respective dictionary row contents (keys become columns, values become row contents).

Complete Config Template

This template includes all possible config fields, some of which are optional or mutually exclusive (e.g. column and custom).

title: <custom_label>

  value: <column_name>
  # use one of 'column' or 'custom'
    column: <column_name>
    custom: <custom_label>
  # optional (default: ascending)
  sort: "descending"

  value: <column_name>
  # use one of 'column' or 'custom'
    column: <column_name>
    custom: <custom_label>
  # optional (default: no data transformation)
  # use one of 'column' or 'custom'
      name: <column_name>
      series: <index>
      x_value: <column_value>
    custom: <custom_value>

# optional (default: include all data)
# entry format: [<column_name>, <operator>, <column_value>]
# accepted operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
  and: <condition_list>
  or: <condition_list>

# optional (default: no x-axis grouping, one plot per graph)
# entry format: [<column_name>, <column_value>]
series: <series_list>

# include types for each column that is used in the config
# accepted types: string/object, int, float, datetime
  <column_name>: <column_type>

# optional (default: no extra columns exported to CSV file in addition to the ones above)
extra_columns_to_csv: <columns_list>

Example Config

This example more accurately illustrates what an actual config file may look like.

title: "Plot Title"

  value: "x_axis_col"
    custom: "unit_label"
  sort: "descending"

  value: "y_axis_col"
    column: "unit_col"
      name: "scaling_col"
      series: 0
      x_value: "x_val_s"

  and: [["filter_col_1", "<=", filter_val_1],
        ["filter_col_2", "!=", filter_val_2]]
  or: []

series: [["series_col", "series_val_1"],
         ["series_col", "series_val_2"]]

  x_axis_col: "str"
  y_axis_col: "float"
  unit_col: "str"
  scaling_col: "float"
  filter_col_1: "datetime"
  filter_col_2: "int"
  series_col: "str"

  ["additional_col_1", "additional_col_2"]

X-axis Grouping

The settings above will produce a graph that will have its x-axis data grouped based on the values in x_axis_col and series_col. (Note: only groupings with one series column are currently supported.) If we imagine that x_axis_col has two unique values, "x_val_1" and "x_val_2", there will be four groups (and four bars) along the x-axis:

  • (x_val_1, series_val_1)
  • (x_val_1, series_val_2)
  • (x_val_2, series_val_1)
  • (x_val_2, series_val_2)


When axis values are scaled, they are all divided by a number or a list of numbers. If using more than one number for scaling, the length of the list must match the length of the axis column being scaled. (Note: scaling is currently only supported for y-axis data, as graphs with a non-categorical x-axis are still a work in progress.)

Custom Scaling

Manually specify one value to scale axis values by.

  value: "y_axis_col"
    column: "unit_col"
    custom: 2

In the snippet above, all y-axis values are to be divided by 2.

y_axis_col scaled_y_axis_col
3.2 3.2 / 2.0 = 1.6
5.4 5.4 / 2.0 = 2.7
2.4 2.4 / 2.0 = 1.2
5.0 5.0 / 2.0 = 2.5

Column Scaling

Specify one column to scale axis values by.

  value: "y_axis_col"
    column: "unit_col"
      name: "scaling_col"

In the snippet above, all y-axis values are to be divided by the corresponding values in the scaling column.

y_axis_col scaling_col scaled_y_axis_col
3.2 1.6 3.2 / 1.6 = 2.0
5.4 2.0 5.4 / 2.0 = 2.7
2.4 0.6 2.4 / 0.6 = 4.0
5.0 2.5 5.0 / 2.5 = 2.0

Series Scaling

Specify one series to scale axis values by. This is done with an index, which is used to find the correct series from a list.

In the case of the list of series from the example config above, index 0 would select a scaling series of ["series_col", "series_val_1"], while index 1 would scale by ["series_col", "series_val_2"].

  value: "y_axis_col"
    column: "unit_col"
      name: "scaling_col"
      series: 0

In the snippet above, all y-axis values are to be split by series and divided by the corresponding values in the scaling series.

y_axis_col scaling_col series_col scaled_y_axis_col
3.2 1.6 series_val_1 3.2 / 1.6 = 2.0
5.4 2.0 series_val_1 5.4 / 2.0 = 2.7
2.4 0.6 series_val_2 2.4 / 1.6 = 1.5
5.0 2.5 series_val_2 5.0 / 2.0 = 2.5

Selected Value Scaling

Specify one value from a column to scale axis values by.

  value: "y_axis_col"
    column: "unit_col"
      name: "scaling_col"
      series: 0
      x_value: "x_val_s"

In the snippet above, all y-axis values are to be divided by the scaling value found by filtering the scaling column by both series and x-axis value.

x_axis_col y_axis_col scaling_col series_col scaled_y_axis_col
x_val_1 3.2 1.6 series_val_1 3.2 / 2.0 = 1.6
x_val_s 5.4 2.0 series_val_1 5.4 / 2.0 = 2.7
x_val_2 2.4 0.7 series_val_2 2.4 / 2.0 = 1.2
x_val_s 5.0 2.5 series_val_2 5.0 / 2.0 = 2.5

(Note: if series are not present and x-axis values are all unique, it is enough to specify just the column name and x-value.)


A condition list for filtering has entries in the format [<column_name>, <operator>, <column_value>]. AND filters and OR filters are combined with a logical AND to produce the final filter mask applied to the DataFrame prior to graphing. For example:

  • and_filters = cond1, cond2
  • or_filters= cond3, cond4

The filters above would produce the final filter mask = (cond1 AND cond2) AND (cond3 OR cond4).

Column Types

Types must be specified for all columns included in the config in the format <column_name>:<column_type>. Accepted types include string/object, int, float, and datetime.

All user-specified types are internally converted to their nullable incarnations. As such:

  • Strings are treated as object (str or mixed type).
  • Floats are treated as float64.
  • Integers are treated as Int64.
  • Datetimes are treated as datetime64[ns].

Future Development

The post-processing capabilities are still a work in progress. Some upcoming developments:

  • Embed graphs in GitHub Pages, instead of a bare HTML file.
  • Add scaling and regression plots.