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SOMBRERO is a benchmarking utility for high performance computing based on lattice field theory applications.

SOMBRERO is composed of 6 similar benchmarks that are based on different lattice field theories, each one with a different arithmetic intensity and a different compute/communication balance. Each benchmark consists of a fixed number (50) of iterations of the Conjugate Gradient algorithm, using the underlying Lattice Dirac operator built in the relative theory.

See the documentation for more information.

SOMBRERO uses a pure-mpi parallelisation.

There are four benchmark cases that can be chosen using the --tag=<TAG> command line option of reframe:

  • mini: A debug run, on a very small lattice, on 2 processes.
  • ITT-sn: A run on a single node, using all the cores in each node (as described here).
  • ITT-64n: A run on 64 nodes, using all the cores in each node (as described here). The number of nodes used can be changed by setting the variable num_nodes, for example reframe ... -S num_nodes=48.
  • scaling: A large benchmarking campaign, where of the benchmarks is launched on a range of number of processes (depending on the setup of the machine) and 4 different lattice sizes (details depend on how the cases are filtered). In all these cases, the benchmark for each theory is launched.

The following performance variables are captured:

  • 'flops' : the computing performance (Gflop/second)
  • 'time' : time spent in the CG algorithm (seconds)
  • 'communicated': number of bytes communicated via MPI (bytes)
  • 'avg_arithmetic_intensity': average arithmetic intensity (from DRAM or L3) (Flops/byte)
  • 'computation/communication': the ratio of floating point operations over the bytes communicated.