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BabelStream benchmarks


Measure memory transfer rates to/from global device memory on GPUs. This benchmark is similar in spirit, and based on, the STREAM benchmark [1] for CPUs. Unlike other GPU memory bandwidth benchmarks this does not include the PCIe transfer time. There are multiple implementations of this benchmark in a variety of programming models. This code was previously called GPU-STREAM.


From the top-level directory of the repository, you can run the benchmarks with

reframe -c benchmarks/apps/babelstream -r  --tag <TAG> --system=<ENV:PARTITION> -Sbuild_locally=false -Sspack_spec='babelstream +tag <extra flags>'

Filtering the benchmarks

The Spack directives for the babelstream could be found here You can run individual benchmarks with the --tag option:

  • ompto run the OpenMP benchmark.
  • ocl to run the OpenCL benchmark.
  • std to run the STD benchmark.
  • std20to run the STD20 benchmark.
  • hip to run the HIP benchmark.
  • cudato run the CUDA benchmark.
  • kokkos to run the Kokkos benchmark.
  • sycl to run the SYCL benchmark.
  • sycl2020 to run the SYCL2020 benchmark.
  • acc to run the ACC benchmark.
  • raja to run the RAJA benchmark.
  • tbb to run the TBB benchmark.
  • thrust to run the THRUST benchmark,


reframe -c benchmarks/apps/babelstream -r --tag omp --system=isambard-macs:volta -S build_locally=false -S spack_spec='babelstream%gcc@9.2.0 +omp cuda_arch=70'
reframe -c benchmarks/apps/babelstream -r --tag tbb --system=isambard-macs:cascadelake -S build_locally=false -S spack_spec='babelstream@develop +tbb'
reframe -c benchmarks/apps/babelstream -r --tag cuda --system=isambard-macs:volta -S build_locally=false -S spack_spec='babelstream@develop%gcc@9.2.0 +cuda cuda_arch=70'

Setting the number of threads and MPI processes

By default, these benchmarks will use

  • [num_gpus_per_node]( This value is by default 1 for the benchmarks requiring GPU. (e.g. CUDA,HIP)

You can override the value of this variable from the command line with the --setvar option, for example

reframe -c benchmarks/apps/babelstream -r --tag cuda --system=isambard-macs:volta -S build_locally=false -S spack_spec='babelstream@develop%gcc@9.2.0 +cuda cuda_arch=70' --setvar=num_gpus_per_node=2

Note: you're responsible for overriding this variable in a consistent way, so that, for example, num_gpus_per_node doesn't exceed the number of total GPUs runnable on each node.

Figure of merit

The figure of merit captured by these benchmarks is the bandwidth. For example, if the output of the program is

Version: 4.0
Implementation: OpenMP
Running kernels 100 times
Precision: double
Array size: 268.4 MB (=0.3 GB)
Total size: 805.3 MB (=0.8 GB)
Function    MBytes/sec  Min (sec)   Max         Average     
Copy        91018.241   0.00590     0.01087     0.00721     
Mul         80014.622   0.00671     0.01173     0.00837     
Add         92644.967   0.00869     0.01636     0.01121     
Triad       93484.396   0.00861     0.01416     0.01142     
Dot         114688.364  0.00468     0.01382     0.00707

the output numbers

Copy : 91018.241
Mul : 80014.622
Add : 92644.967 
Triad : 93484.396
Dot : 114688.364

will be captured.